Jan 07, 2010 03:25
Hiya... a return post of sorts, though I've been using LJ frequently through communities since this journal was somewhat abandoned.
My biggest fandom, Doctor Who, that I'd been in love with for ages, started to... deviate, I guess, from what I liked. While originally a Rose fan, I was more than happy for her to leave at the end of season two, but with everything that's happened since, I've been ready to throw something sharp at the writers. Everything became very... epic. Which is good, don't get me wrong, but I just wish that we could go back to the good ol' days where each episode could be self-contained without being related to some overreaching story arc about the Doctor's Tragic Past and that was just FUN.
Maybe once Matt Smith comes along, I'll give it another go, and see if the writers will inject some fresher material.
So... since I've been unactive on this journal, I've graduated High School and finished one year of University. And matured somewhat, I think ^^ Looking at some of my old posts, especially my angsting about moving to New Zealand, are downright cringeworthy. Nooobody understands me! My parents are monsters!!
Moving here, while I miss my friends still, was one of the best things that could have happened. I was able to go to university, something I would never have got the marks for in Australia. I've also found a new career path and made some amazing friends; ones I can see being close to for a long, long time. I'm now studying Japanese and Linguistics as my major with Asian Studies as a minor and taking papers in TESOL to become an English teacher in Japan.
My main fandom at the moment is Bleach, followed by Merlin and various other anime/manga and a few staple book and TV series, Harry Potter and Hornblower included. Most fandom flailing will be revolving around Bleach and my OTPs therein. Be warned. :D