Title: Memento Mori
Fandom: The Legend of Zelda (OOT)
Characters: Sheik, Impa
Prompt: 003. Ends
Word Count: 100
Rating: G (general)
Author's Notes: First drabble for this challange.
Table of Prompts.
Impa attacks the golden strands of my hair with a knife. We have no scissors, so I sit and weep silently as my hair falls to the ground. Crying because it hurts, crying because I'm dying.
Impa talks about a boy named Sheik and how Princess Zelda died. She's not dead yet, I think, because you're not finished.
Impa dresses me in old and smelly clothes. A turban goes around my head and my scraggly hair covers one eye. She takes my mother's ring off my hand and I cry.
Zelda is dead. Sheik has just been born.