(no subject)

Dec 04, 2005 02:01

I just read an article in the paper, saying that they now have a patch for ADHD, using the same chemical as Ritalin (methylphenidate). The patch is worn for 9 hrs. Now I realize that ritalin has helped quite a few children pay more attention in school, especially in severe cases. But the only thing I've seen it do is turn capable, curious children into vegetables. In some cases, worse. Yes, it makes life easier on the parents. I mean, who would want to spend quality time with a kid when they could be making money or watching TV? (please note the sarcasm.) (edit) Just to be clear, I like meds when they help people. But in this case I am afraid that parents will abuse it since it is so easy to use.

My friend said it best: Even the people that legitimately have ADHD are getting overdosed with meds and undertreated with actual viable treatment. Convenience for the public and cash for the corporations...the american dream at its finest... meanwhile we all destroy ourselves. Hurray for capitalism and American Ideals

By the way, if any of you out there ever have kids, here is a small list of other options for treating ADHD:
The most important is being emotionally supportive of the child
Teaching Self-Monitoring
Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support
Carbohydrate/Protein-balanced Diet/Nutritional Supplementation
Herbal Stimulants

yeah ok sorry, tis not often you actually read something pscyhologically related.
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