Jul 12, 2012 11:40
Warning: Look out, because Iris is about to throw a bitch fit.
As ya'll can probably tell from the title of this post, I am pissed. No, not just pissed, I'm LIVID! Yeah I used caps lock, I don't ever want to use caps lock, but god damn it I'm angry! I don't know if any of you have been reading my updates about all the problems I've been having with my CC/game, so if you haven't, here's an angry update for you.
If you did happen to read my last post, you would know that I thought I had fixed my CC, that I just had to download a few things that were missing, and la di da. You would also know that I made backups of the backups of The Turner's and McBride's. So while in the process of finding the missing CC from my game, I got sidetracked by all the new stuff up for download (I haven't downloaded anything in weeks). So of course instead of trying to install just the few missing items, I wound up with at least 200 more than I had originally planned. Then there was issues with downloading and Zipeg, and so it took me a day just to get that CC sorted out. Then I also had a few hundred .sims3packs that I installed but didn't show up.
Long story short, whilst trying to install CC that should have been installed already my game had a major brain fart, and I had to uninstall EVERYTHING! My expansions, CC, Base Game, everything. And my computer was being stupid during this entire process and wigging out on me and I just wanted to throw a chair or something. So I finally had everything uninstalled and took a sigh of relief. That was until I found out that The McBride's and Turner's save files had been deleted, the backups had been deleted, and somehow the backups of the backups had been deleted! They were in a separate folder on my desktop. How the hell did they get deleted?!
So I've lost both of my legacy families and I'm sad, pissed, and frustrated. I mean, I still have Adeline's .sim file, so maybe I'll start over with her someday, but right now I'm just way to mad to even try that. I've completely lost the Turner's though, they're gone. *sigh* So right now I've got all my CC installed, corrupted files deleted, and I'm just going to start fresh. Right now my game is trying to update (and who knows how long that will fucking take), and my computer is fine. So once it's finished updating, I'm going to load a new game, start a brand new legacy challenge, and post that up in a day or two. Sorry for the long rant, but I just wanted to update ya'll, and let out my frustrations.