Fic rec and a note to my giftee

Apr 15, 2011 10:19

I've been laying low lately, but had to poke my head out and point to the takingitinturns fic exchange which is in full swing.  My gift, Through This Glass Darkly, got posted yesterday, and it is amazing.  Just when you think you've read every possible take on Harry and Ginny getting together after the war, the talented miss_daizy comes along and takes your breath away.  It's 1939 words carefully arranged into a powerful, multi-layered emotional journey.  Her characterizations are realistic to me, and it's just stunning.  Chances are if you're on my flist you've already read it, but if you haven't, you definitely should.  You can find it here.

Speaking of takingitinturns , my own fic is in progress.  My beta has been most patient, and I feel terrible about missing the deadline, but it is one of those fics that just keeps growing and growing.  On the plus side,  I'm fairly happy with it, and (fingers crossed), I think the recipient will like it.

*goes back to writing*

h/g fic recs

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