VAST rocked my face last night. Totally. Their opening band, Lovers and Liars, was a complete waste of particles. Let me rephrase that... Their keys/piano player was totally made of rock and I think his songs are good, but there were too many freaking musicians, the drummer was mediocre at best, and their sound guy was made of fail. Oh yeah, and they had Marshall heads and amps on stage. Bad Marshall heads and amps at that. Boo. The piano player was very nice and very gifted. You could tell that he had enormo classical training. Much respect piano man, much respect. VAST had some very cool gear, including a totally lickable Mesa Boogie amp.
I digress. So, I know the bass player in VAST. The upside? He totally treated me and B like royalty last night. I know he was really into me and wished I were unmarried, but he was respectful and interested in my music and my B and spent hours talking with us. He asked for copies of my CD, which I gladly gave, and introduced me to Jon Crosby who is the man behind VAST (Visual Audio Sensory Theater). I felt bad that Nashburg didn't produce a better crowd for them. I mean come on! They are a national act and Mercy Lounge only yielded about 80 people for them. Personally, I think that Exit/Inn is a better venue for them. It caters more to their crowd. The Mercy seems to breed geeks and weirdos. Not that there's anything wrong with that... Anyway, the downside here is that Musicians Who Tour like to DRINK. Dreeeeeeenk. And they like to make you dreeeeeeeenk when you hang out with them. I didn't get trashed, but I definitely had one too many little plastic cups of (a very tasty) pinot noir. Oi, my head today. And I'm whupped. Tired. Bleah. How old am I?
I'll post some show pics when I download them from the camera later.
Oh, by the way?
silverstah? I heard your song last night! Oh What A Night! (...late December back in fifty-three...) I can't hear that song without thinking of you!!