Jan 29, 2010 17:22
I haven't seen this much snow in years. It's a certifiable Tennessee Snowpocalypse. Seriously. Streets are buried under inches of snow and ice and the interstates aren't much better, but I'm sure that's just because it's The South. It's been snowing all day. All. Day. It's supposed to turn to freezing rain tonight and we're supposed to see 2 to 3 more inches today. I'm glad I'm home with my space heater and toasty kittiness, but I really really really really REALLY hope we don't lose power.
I opened the back door earlier to take some pictures and both my cats were all O.o at the heavy layering of snow on the deck. Olive wouldn't put her feet anywhere near the snow, but Liza took a flying leap into a pile of it. Of course, as soon as pads met snow, she took another flying leap back into the house! :D I wishwishwish I'd had any idea and that I'd had my video camera!!
Stay warm out there.