Bump in the Night + Party.

Oct 26, 2008 10:14

Last night was tons of fun. I dressed up as a scarecrow and got to scare kids and parents alike by pretending I was fake then moving or yelling "Boo!" at passerbys. It was hilarious to see parents jump. One little kid kept yelling "Boo!" at us instead of the other way around. It started to rain so we were herded into the tavern and upstairs to a little room with soup and soda, where we proceeded to chill out for about two hours. I bought chocolate covered sunflower seeds and candy corn fudge while I was there, which was yummy.

Today is cousin's party. Plus I need to get the book Heart of Darkness for tomorrow. Why does Mr. M. have to make it so hard and pick a specific edition for us to get!?!

ap english, party, halloween

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