Title: everything's in tune to some kind of higher plan
Rating: PG
Fandom: Lost
Spoilers: none
Summary: He knows what's happening.
Author's Notes: written for
lost_in_108 /prompt: summer. title from Rise by The Frames. lj cut The End by Pearl Jam
He's a kid. Not stupid. He knows exactly what's happening. Ma sends him outside with a crooked smile on her face, telling him not to waste his summer, and then the man ruffles his hair with a soft chuckle. (Ma knows how much he hates that, but doesn't say nothin'.) He hears them laughing before the screen door shuts with a loud bang, and winces.
Won't tell his dad, though. Ma knows he won't. He protects her. Always. Because if his dad knew, there would be hittin' and screamin'.
He lays down beneath a tree to watch the clouds drift by, and waits for everything to be over.