Title: the feeling of belonging to your dreams
Rating: PG
Spoilers: The End
Prompt: #74/rewind
Fandom: Lost
Summary: When she dreams, she makes a different choice.
Author's Notes: Title from Listen to Your Heart by Roxette
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When she dreams, her selfish heart makes a different choice, signing her death wish with a flourish on top of a cliff, with Jack's blood covering her hands and Claire's future crumbling into the depths of the ocean before her eyes. The guilt isn't enough to make her leave. In the end, they save the island and die together.
When she wakes, she's crying softly into a pillow and as the dream fades, her broken heart knows that she wouldn't change the choice she made. She brought Claire home to have a future with her son. In the end, Jack saves the island and they both die alone.