Life is good

Aug 23, 2008 20:37

So it has once again been a while since I updated - sue me :)!

Life has it's ups & downs but over the long run the good wins. Brief synopsis of the bad: just as expected I HATE Sprint so less reliable then AT&T, private healthcare sucks (also already known), lost the power cord & pedal to my sewing machine and......that's about it!

It does kinda of suck that we had to pay out over $200 for a new car seat but that's normal life not really "bad". But lets see, John seems more content in his work know that he's starting doing review & practice for graduate school - when & if he'll ever go is a completely different story but he's happy. He used goverment time & money to design a family tree program for our use LOL. He's busy playing with his helicopter, now that he's run of upgrades (for the time being) he decided to build a helicopter from the ground up and is now planning to sell it.

Erin is trying SO hard to walk! Can you believe it? She's 9mths old and dangerously close to walking independent - man I can't believe it! See pretty much as the coordination & 98% of balance down, now we just need some confidence to take those first few steps. She walks great with a finger in each hand & with her push toy but freaks if she realizes she's unsupported. I try walking with her with one finger in one hand she does fine but after a step or two she starts waving her hand and loses balance. I give it another week ;-). Of course this is the same kid who didn't roll until 6.5mths old!!! She was perfectly content to sit & observe the world, only learned to roll to get to Duncan but then started to pull up at 7mths and it was all over from there. Maybe 2wks later she was cruising, at 8mths she crawled & now walking :). She scares me to death though because she has become such a daredevil. She figured out the steps in no time flat, crawls over & around the chair rungs (a good 1/2 ft off the ground), tries to climb into the high chair & jumperoo by herself, climbs out of the stroller (& tries to climb back in!), climbs on the pedestal to spin Tori....noticing a pattern here? She is a climbing machine, I need to get her into gymnastics!

Duncan is doing well especially since he had his fur sheared off so he's not dying from heat :-P, he loves his "charge" (Erin) and protects her againest other animals, people or of course leaves. Of course he doesn't like that he doesn't get out as much because it's hard to handle an active infant & large dog at the same time. Tori is well...a tortoise shell...Miss Princess...except princesses don't usually pee their bathroom to the point I want to call HAZ-MAT in! John was getting near to the point of cussing her out everytime, so we got this deep cleaning foam stuff (made for pets) and it *seems* to be working (fingers crossed!).

As for me, I'm doing pretty well. I was channeling a lot of creative energy not too long ago & got 8 scrapbook pages done for Erin but now I can't seem to find the motivation (or time!). By the time night hits, I'm just ready to chill out with John & read a board I belong too. So I went from all caught up & thinking about the cruise scrapbook to being FAR behind. But oh well, I have started working on the invites to her first birthday! I really wish I could sell some paper or baked goods to have some extra cash lying around but I don't see that happening.
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