Dec 25, 2004 22:34 im really jsut gonna fill one of these thingys out, ill update tomarrow tho if i get a chance
> my name is]: Lauren
> [in the morning i am]: excited with presents
> [love is]: unknown....but when its there, u will know it
> [i dream about]: everything, especially fallin in weird i know
> -W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
> [what do you notice first?]: smile...eyes
> -W H O-
> [do you have a crush on?]: not saying but most of u know anyways
> [easiest to talk to]: jaclyn, my sister, nino, brittany, and especailly becky allen
> -W H O .W A S .T H E.L A S T. P E R S O N-
> [you talked to on the phone]: jaclyn
> [hugged]: louie...hes so cute! hes like 90 yrs old!
> [you instant messaged]: andrew
> [you seriously cracked up with]: the computer...i was reading jaclyns livejournal...
-D O .Y O U / / A R E.Y O U-
> [what's your favorite food?]: pizza
> [whats your favorite drink?]: mountain dew
> [whats ur favorite fruit?]: grapes
> [what hurts the most?]: emotional pain
> [trust others way too easily?]: its happened
> -N.U.M.B.E.R-
> [of times i have had my heart broken?]: um...kinda...
> [of hearts i have broken?] : i think 1 seriously
> [of drugs taken illegally?] : um none
> [of cd's that i own?] : not many
> [of scars on my body?] : like 10 maybe who knows
> [of things in my past that i regret?]: alot..especially turnabout..damn bastard
> -O.T.H.E.R.T.H.I.N.G.S.
> [i know]: that life is never easy
> [i want]: what i cant have
> [i need]: money?
> [i wish]: alot of things lol
> [i hate]: alot of things
> [i miss]: the st louis gang, esp. jonny, ash, nino, morgs, and mike
> [i fear]:
> [i hear]: music
> [i love]: my family and friends
> [i care]: about my friends, family
> [last time u cried]: prolly a few weeks ago
> [i do not always]: understand things?
> [i write]: when im feeling emo
> [i confuse]: meself, see?
> [i can usually be found]: out
> A.R.E.Y.O.U.A:
> [wuss]: umm sometimes?
> [druggie]: nope
> [gang/mafia member]: yes, jk, lol
> [daydreamer]: big time!
> [alcoholic]: no
> [freak]: no
> [brat]: can be
> [sarcastic]: sometimes
> [angel] : i guess so
> [devil]: u can bet on it, jk
> [friend]: always
> [shy]: sure, sometimes
> [adventurous]:i can be
> [intelligent]: i try
> S.E.L.F A.N.A.L.Y.S.I.S'
> [your best feature]: you tell me, but i do must say, i like my eyes lol they r cool
> [biggest mistake you've made this far]: no comment.
> [describe your personality in one word]:u tell me...maybe... eh i dunno
> height]: 5'3
> [a smell that makes you smile]: um...wrestlers...lmao
> [a place you'd like to visit]: atlantis
> [a drink you order most often]: sprite
> [a book you highly recommend]: umm.... i remember liking p.s longer letter later
> [your favorite band]: ummm... heh i do must say i like jessica simpson alot, and maroon 5
> [a film you could watch over and over]: mean girls..definitly
> [a TV show you watch regularly]: friend
> [you live in a(n)]: a house
> [your transportation]: umm car? feet?
> [your cologne or perfume]: ralph lauren cool
> [under your bed or in your closet you hide]: a box of memories
> [something important on your night table]: my rosary
> [x] sex: girl..
> [x] my first breath of air: feburary 13th 1989
> [x] age: 15
> [x] dating status: unfotunitly..none, as usual lol
> _______reWinD_______
> [x] most memorable memory: st.louis, the cruise this past summer, and bird catching with jaclyn maryellen and ally, also the whole bush monster thing lmao
[x] worst?: what?
[x] first word uttered: cookie?
[x] first best friend ever!?: hmm... tiffany?
_______fAst fOrward_______
[x] college planning to go to: dont even ask
[x] future resident of: who knows
[x] wedding: disney world
[x] children: 3
[x] looking forward to: alot of things>
> _______pLAy_______
> [x] feeling: sick and confused
> [x] Listening: kelly clarkson
> [x] Talking to: andrew, brittany, kody..?, i was talkin to ally and maryellen..but they dissappear alot
> [x] doing: this survey
> [x] craving: nothing
> [x] thinking of: what i got for xmas
> [x] hating: nothin?
> _______LOve?_______
> [x] love is: as i said, unknown
> [x] first love: i dont really know...prolly jeff
> [x] current love: none
> [x] best love song: harder to breathe by maroon 5
> [x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time: depends on the situation, but maybe
> [x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: umm yes
> _______MaLe/FeMaLe SpeCieS_______
> [x] turn on: personality
> [x] turn offs: bad breath and teeth
> [x] does your parent`s opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: yeah big time
> [x] what kind of hair style?: just nice hair that looks good on them, i do like longish hair tho... its sexy
> [x] where do you go to meet new people?: wherever i meet them..?
> [x] are you the type of person to ask for numbers?: nope
> ________pIcky pIcky_______
> [x] dog or cat: dog
> [x] short or long hair: short
> [x] innie or outie: outtie in the summer, innie in the winter
> [x] sunshine or rain: sun
> [x] moon or sun: moon all the way
> [x] basketball or football: football
> [x] righty or lefty: lefty
> [x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: one true best friend for life, and many of other best friends
> [x] bf/gf or best friend: best friend all the way
> [x] tv or radio: tv
> [x]boost juice or coffee lounge: boost juice?
> [x] mc donalds or burger king: bk
> [x]summer or winter: summer!
> [x]writtten letters or emails: emails
> [x] playstation or nintendo: nintendo..i cant work them damn controllers for ps2
> [x] disney or nickelodeon: disney, nickelodeon sucks now
> [x] car or motorcycle: car
> [x] house party or club: umm i wouldnt know... lol
> [x] sing or dance: dance
> [x] yahoo messenger or aim: aol...
> [x] google or ask jeeves?: google
> _______MiSceLLaneOus_______
> [x] can you swim?:...i am on the swim no..i drown...yes
> [x] ever been used for experimenting? whole life, im a lab rat for doctors
> [x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: being deaf..being a swimmer, i dunno
> [x] what kinda roof is over your head? huh?
> [x] do you like tomatoes?: no
> [x] how many TVs in the house?: 5...i think
> [x] how many phones?: 8 including cells
> [x] how many residents?: make that 3, shannons out now
> [x] how many rooms? 9? not includin hallways and stuff
> [x] last dentist visit: i dunno
[x] last doctor visit: who knows