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Jul 22, 2004 13:19

Yet another update.. weeee!

I'm rather bored right now. See, I'm stuck in the Dynamics lab with the 4 other Rapid Prototypers for 4 hours. No one else is here; they're all in the ME lab or at a lecture. So I mean, it's cool that we don't have to sit through a boring talk about Distillation or Circuits but like.. ehh. There's nothing to do.

It's really hot here.

Rock climbing.. was.. interesting. Like.. it was reallyreally hard, and veryvery physical, and even though I like that kind of stuff, it was just.. weird. And I wasn't much of a fan. So I kind of sat there, talked, belaid people.. apparentely I scared a lot of people there.. because Chris told me that him and Nick were talking about me and how they would NEVER let me belay them because every time they looked at me I was talking to people and not even watching Sophia climb and what not.. So yeah, somewhat unsuccessful. But sort of fun.

There was a HUGE storm last night, on our way back to Terre Haute.. so bad that the power went out [but was back on when we got there, the grills just weren't on] and we couldn't go to the nearest Steak 'N' Shake..

This is funny. I've never been to a Steak 'N' Shake before, right? They just don't have them in NJ. Anyways. So the power went out, then came back on, but obviously, we could use the bathroom. So me and Sophia went to the potty and as I was walking out, Sophia just busted out laughing and she was like, OMGLOOKATYOURFOOT and lo and behold, I had a piece of toliet paper stuck to my foot. So, of course, I screamed BLOODYFREAKIN'MURDER and was like I'M NEVER COMING BACK TO STEAK 'N' SHAKE AGAIN! but then we went to the one in Terre Haute..

But I still wasn't a fan. I don't know. I got one of their milkshakes and only had like half of it because Nick inhaled the other half for me and I got really sick and stomachache-y to the point that I had to lie down in the parking lot because it was the most comfortable situtation, and then when we got back I couldn't do ab workouts with Bob and Will. And that upset me. :(

Speaking of comfortability or lack there of it.. had to sit in the back of the van with a couple that is quite fond of just hooking up whenever they damn please, and made it obvious with the sounds. And I was like OMGSTOP and SOMEONE ELSE NEEDS TO SIT IN THE BACK but that didn't work.. because I have 'the shortest legs' and I just fit in there perfectly. Yeah. With them making out and shit. That's perfect.

We only have like 9 days left here.. and that makes me really sad. :( I really don't want to go back to like.. living with just my family and like going to bed at midnight at the MAX and just.. not doing stupid shit in the hallways with PVC and shopping carts and slingshots and such.

Speaking of stupid shit and slingshots.. Andrew had his mom send his 7-foot slingshot so before this we were shooting assorted fruits across the lake and at trees.. and we decided that we needed to shoot an orange at his wall because his room smells like shit and the orange would make it better and more fragrant.

Today I actually remembered that DMack was away.. like FIVE HOURS away, that's IT.. but anyways.. I really just thought of the fact that her little seminar thing is almost over and that it went really fast..

This week went really fast.. like reallyreally.

Sophia and Nick are going caving tomorrow, so I really have nothing to do. Um. I think Chris is going to summer theatre at ISU so I might go for a lack of something better to do.. but like that's cool.

Chris'll be home tonight.. So that's cool. Me, him and Sophia.. or he might be going to watch The Bourne Identity.. hey, we might too, so.. I dunno, it's just going to be so quiet tonight.. It's so funny, because there were only 30 spots for this trip, but all of the fun and loud boys are going.. so it's like.. me and Sophia.. Chris.. and the 3rd floor boys [it's a joke.. the boys on the 3rd floor like don't come out of their rooms or do anything fun or nothin'.. so like whenever someone's being antisocial or we see someone we never have before, we're just like.. 'oh.. must be 3rd floor']..

SuNdAy iS cHiCaGo!!!!11!!!!oneoneone!!! which I'm so excited for.. It'll be the farthest west in the country I've gone, first of all [well, until August] and it's just exciting to see another big fun crazy city. Like, I know NY, I love NY.. but this'll be different and I'm just excited.

You know, I went to bed at like, 2.30AM last night, and usually, if I sleep less, I'm better off the next day, but I was really conked out this morning. I got 4 and a half hours of sleep. That's enough.. come on, I got 2.5 the other day and I was jumping off the walls.. blahhhh..

Oh actually, this is funny.. going back to rock climbing.. I called my mom to check in yesterday during dinner.. and she was crazy. Like, I told her I was going rock climbing and she FREAKED OUT in a like bad way. 'OMG. WHY ARE YOU GOING? IS THERE GOING TO BE SUPERVISION? [wtf?] WHERE IS IT? INDIANAPOLIS? DO YOU REALIZE HOW FAR AWAY THAT IS? [yes, because we drove from Indianapolis to Terre Haute.. and it's only an hour and a half.. derrrrr]' so that was the tone of my conversation with her yesterday. That, and Chris going in the back [rather obnoxiously] 'Is that your mam?' with his Midwest accent.. and I started going, 'yeah, that's my mam. you wanna talk to my mam?' and so my mom was like, WTF kidds and I explained his Midwestern-ness and that he was from Chi-town and

then she asked if he knows Oprah *dies*

LOL how funny and stupid.

Then she told me that she talked to Doc B about coming home and she said that Doc B loves me like woah and really wants me to come here..

and Doc B told me what a pleasant and delightful woman my mother is and that she can call any time she'd like.


Anyways.. I think I'm gonna try and catch a nap while I can.. 3 more hours..

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