Did you know that Shakespeare had a son named Hamnet!

Jun 24, 2006 21:26

So this week has been full of great theater events. I got to see a MidSummer Night's Dream in Regents Park which was great. I laughed my butt off it was so entertaining. Some people did not like it but I had a great time and it was outside which was great and it was the first time I had seen or read the show. Then this weekend the group headed to Stratford which is where Shakespeare was born. we saw a great production of Titus in Japanese. then we saw shakespare's birthplace and all the local attractions. I went on a a boat cruise of the river Avon and I had wonderful drinks with Kenny Meg Katie Pat Heather and Jess last night. It was great. Five beer and two shots later I was feeling really happy. Can I just state that Kenneth Plossl is hysterical and rocks! Umm other than that things are going well. We head out to Windsor and Hampton Court tomorrow. We stayed in a great Bed dand Breakfast and Barbara was a great host. The breakfast was great. I can't believe this trip is almost over only two more weeks of classes. Wow how time flies. I guess that is all for now! Keep me updated on life

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