Jul 05, 2007 12:08
I'm not patient enough for girls who give my entire gender a reputation for stupidity because they're too cute to pick up a newspaper instead of Seventeen Magazine, or turn on CNN instead of MTV.
I'm not patient enough for the mentality that it's not necessary to think...or that being too busy to educate yourself or to to vote is an excuse.
I'm not patient enough for guys who endorse babies killing other babies in schools and on the streets, waving their 18th century Second Amendment rights in my face, and being ignorant enough to try to justify it with a lack of education.
I'm not patient enough for the same idiots who fly their Confederate flags, too stupid to remember that Ohio was a Union state, and that like it or not, the South lost and the Confederacy ceases to exist.
I'm not patient enough for the imperial, "patriotic" bullshit this country holds so dear, that makes people think that America is somehow a "privileged" nation, and that because we're so much better, we have no obligations to those that struggle as we cannot possibly imagine because we are fortunate enough to never have had to.
We drive around in our expensive gas-guzzling vehicles, too busy even to be courteous to the hundreds of people we interact with everyday, much less turn our attention to the millions of people who suffer in our own backyard inner cities or dare I say it, overseas.
A regular phone isn't enough anymore...now we need one that does it all - music, movies, internet and phone - when people live on the street, eat garbage, join gangs, sleep on park benches, die of disease and famine.
I'm just not patient enough for America.
Until we meet again...