Well I happen to like wasting time...

May 04, 2008 18:44

What are 3 careers that would be great for you, unrelated to your current line of work?
1. Trophy Wife
2. Tour Guide
3. I once took a career test that said my ideal occupation was (seriously) finding missing children on the internet.

What 3 careers would you least enjoy?
1. Salesperson
2. Telemarketer (actually did this one for a while)
3. Accountant

What 3 changes would you like to see in the world?
1. American cities made more pedestrian/biker friendly.
2. Healthcare and education all around (yes it's socialism, but that's not a bad word, you uppity cold war dinosaurs).
3. A general chilling the hell out. Call me an apathetic 90s babe, but I don't see how people find the energy to get worked up enough to kill somebody.

What 3 possessions have sentimental value for you?
1. The travel journal Ross gave me for my 21st birthday.
2. Lots of books.
3. My killer art collection.

What 3 traits do you most admire when you see them in another person?
1. Listening.
2. Friendliness.
3. A certain willingness to kick their own style.

List 3 historical figures you admire.
1. Rosa Parks, the best example I know of small actions having big consequences.
2. Katherine Hepburn
3. Ira Gerschwin

List 3 historical figures that you think are overrated.
1. Ronald Reagan
2. Princess Di
3. Christopher Colombus (but that's pretty obvious)

What 3 books should everyone read?
1. "East of Eden"
2. Pablo Neruda's "Elemental Odes"
3. At the moment I'm really wishing my friends would read Lewis Hyde's book "The Gift." It rocked my world and I have no one to talk to about it.

3 favorite drinks?
1. Cheerwine
2. Strong Coffee
3. Hard Cider

3 pet peeves?
1. Certain grammatical mistakes, such as using "myself" incorrectly.
2. Failing to use the turn lane.
3. Slow walking.

Your 3 best habits?
1. Always taking the stairs.
2. 50 sit ups every morning while the coffee brews.
3. Compulsive reading.

Your 3 worst habits?
1. Checking my email 800 times a day.
2. Too much coffee.
3. Cracking my knuckles.

3 things you crave the most from other people?
1. Space.
2. Affirmation (that combined with #1 makes me pretty annoying).
3. Critical Thought.

3 things you've resented being told in your life.
1. "You just don't want to play by the rules."
2. "You should watch Dancing with the Stars."
3. "Sometimes you have to choose the lesser of two evils."

3 things you wish other people would never do.
1. Choose the lesser of two evils. Maybe you could look for the third option: not choosing evil.
2. Listen to Nickelback.
3. Use texting shorthand like LOL and OMG.

3 things you wish other people would always do.
1. Watch out for bikes.
2. Take the stairs when they're going up 1 floor.
3. Read.

3 people you've had reason to appreciate this week, and why.
1. My mom. She's the best lady in the world.
2. Jeanette Zesch, my junior high English teacher. Writing a tribute for her retirement made me look back on all the subtle ways one person influenced my growing up.
3. Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau. Iron Man is awesome!

3 parting words of wisdom?
1. Pedantic
2. Phantasmagoric
3. Schasbedairn
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