I'm getting more and more excited for New Year's. Tonight we picked up my cousin, Devin (he's 16 and about due for some shenanigans), and my friend Ian brought over all his art. As usual it is mind bogglingly awesome! I've already got my eye on a couple of pieces I'd like to trade for, but I won't disclose which ones for fear of being accused of insider trading. :)
You can see Ian's paintings here. They're much cooler in person.
Ryan also emailed several images of new artwork, and Alex is nearly finished with the biggest and most fantastic mosaic he's ever attempted. Unless something goes drastically wrong in the next few hours, he's pretty likely to win Best in Show for a second time.
I'm disappointed that a few of our friends won't be able to make it to the party this year. Are you coming? I hope so! Doesn't this toast picture make you want to be there?