Apr 30, 2006 18:16
Just got back from the soup kitchens. Not as fun as it was last time, but meh. I don't even know why I did it again...I mean, I finished all my hours last time. Oh well. If I'm going to apply for service council, this'll help.
At least Peter was there to make the time more enjoyable. Don't take that the wrong way. lol. HEY That just reminded me of something, but I'll get back to that later. Anyways, there was also this random freshman girl named Sam who walked up to me and started talking to me, and for a while I was just like "WHO IS THIS PERSON" but then I realized she's one of Kath's friends who I met before. I think she is anyway. lol.
This morning was the mass. It was okay, not as bad as I thought. This old guy made a really nice speech at the end, even though he started it out making fun of gay people (which also reminds me). I thought about going to the luncheon, but no one else was staying so I was like "screw this" and left.
All in all not a waste of a day.
So, a friend of mine who was at my party and was outside playing tennis with some of you told me some stuff. Apparently you were rumoring amongst yourselves about the fact that you think I'm gay. Well, here's a little newsflash for you all:
I know that I may sometimes act like it, but I'm not. I can't believe that some of my best friends would think this about me.
Why is it a big deal, you ask? As you know I am pro-gay and not homophobic in the least. But I am never going to get a girlfriend if everyone is spreading rumors that I'm gay. There are already enough people who don't TALK to me because they think I'm gay, because they are deterred by it in some way. I don't want anyone thinking I'm a phobe, but I don't want everyone thinking I'm gay either.
You guys are supposed to be my BEST FRIENDS. You should know better to openly ask me about my sexuality than to rumor about it behind my back. kthx.
Your friend