Ok, kiddos, here I go again!
I leave tomorrow evening for Ireland and will be gone until the night of the 14th. I've tried to contact as many people about getting postcards as possible, but if you are not
Sean, Chris, Danika, Emily, Josh, Jon, Matt Y., Matt R., Matty C., Matty Chaddy, Beck, Allie, Charles, Kaelene or Erin then I do not have your address yet! If you would like a postcard and are not listed there, then please email me your mailing address
here. I'm pretty sure I'll have the opportunity at least occasionally to check my email while in Ireland, so I should be able to send you a card even if you email me after I'm gone.
Things have been super busy for me lately so I'm sorry if I've been derelict in keeping in contact with people. I'm getting even more excited for school to start and stuff, especially now that I'm getting to anticipate more and more stuff like shows. Everyone's already heard me go on and on about Sigur Rós and Coheed/The Blood Brothers, but now I get to add Saves the Day and Waxwing to that list, so ahh! Life! School! Friends! I really hope I'm not building up to a big disappointment.
I spent 8 hours with a friend last night, just talking. Seriously, we pretty much did nothing but talk (and eat, I suppose) for like 8 hours straight. I don't know if I've ever done that before, and I certainly haven't done it in a long time, if ever. It was really awesome and made me residually happy all day today.
On the other hand, I'm totally devastated about Katrina (I know, what else is new). I feel really guilty from having some pretty selfish thoughts about New Orleans instead of being completely sympathetic toward everyone who is suffering so immensely, but I can't help it - New Orleans has held a spot in my heart for years and although I understand that much of the cultural draw (the French Quarter, etc) is relatively unharmed or at least still standing, I'm still really depressed that a place I've been so obsessed about and in love with is so damaged. I am also, of course, deeply saddned by the human aspect of all of this - so many people completely destitute and desolate. I can't imagine what they must be going through and it's much to easy to keep going on with life while they're still there with nothing. I'm glad at times like these that my mom works for a charity that's actively involved in such catastrophes, because it makes it that much easier to donate, plus I'm comforted by the fact that 87% of the funds they receive go to help people rather than line corporate pockets.
Camping was quite the experience and I had a lot of fun getting to have a last hurrah with my friends before Allie left for school. Seaside was a lot of fun and I REALLY loved Cannon Beach. Even though the tent flooded, it was worth it to get to take pictures of crazy random street signs and tsunami men and to ogle the cute scene kids in coffee shops. I really love the ocean a lot and I hope I never have to move away from a place that has relatively easy ocean access. Landlock doesn't sound like a lot of fun to me.
Even though it gets kind of tedious to not have all of my files and music easily accessible, ripping CDs is really satisfying to me and I'm really really happy that I got a laptop even if it doesn't have a numberpad (which means I don't get to do the cool ALT codes like I used to).
I was going to do the 7 songs meme before I left, but I still don't have all of my music loaded onto this computer, so I'm going to hold off until I get home. I'll try to provide YouSendIt links again but I'm curious, does anyone actually download the songs when I post the links? Because I'd like to know if it's actually worth it. Anyway, music when I get home from Ireland, but before I move to Seattle.
P.S. Note the new icon! Whee!