Jun 15, 2004 12:26
So maybe you guessed from my last entry I was still kind of searching for things and trying to figure out some stuff in my head. A lot of spiritual stuff and just your basic stuff like what direction to choose in life. The routines I was trying to get myself into, to calm down all my thinking, didn't work to well. In fact it made it worse I felt like I might break. So I made the decision to take a trip. To just leave and go where I want, when I want to. I figure when would I ever get this opportunity again. I am 22, just got home from Iraq and have some money, and I have nothing to tie me down. So why stay here living with my parents and getting a job when I could go out and have my self an experience of a lifetime. So tomorrow I am leaving for the florida keys. From there I will probably come back north and head west, see New Orleans and cross texas to see all the national parks I can to California, and just make a big circle coming back east. There is no time limit to this trip so if I am not enjoying myself and learning anything then I will probably be back home in two weeks. If I am enjoying myself though and things are going really good then I plan to be gone for a while. Most of the people I have told about this are supporting me and think its a great idea. Then there are others who think I am being foolish. Either way I will have done something none of them have.
The book The Alchemist has really been an inspiration to me also, I recommend that book to anyone who is afraid to chase their dreams or is at a cross roads in there life. I am still going to try and update this journal while I am out on the road because I am sure I will come across internet cafes. I will send postcards when I can. Well, I have some more packing to do. Just look out for updates on where I am. GO WITH GOD MY FRIENDS