I feel...

Feb 19, 2005 12:07

I feel good today. I woke up and watch TV for a half an hour in my bed until my cat threw up and I had to go to the bathroom before my mom got in there for her shower. I did my Chemsitry,Math, and English (duh) homework last night. Whoo go me.
I had breakfast and afterword went down to the chamber that we call our basement. I was just poking around because you never know what you can find down there. I found some cool stuff, too! I found my keepsake box and underneath it was a SunTea pitcher! I was thinking about buying one of those since now I have $$ again. *cough* sixty-six dollars *cough*...
Very pleased with my discoveries. I had to wash the SunTea pitcher out by hand because it didnt fit in the dishwasher. I did that and suceeded in burning my hand with the hot water. I then loaded the rest of the dishes into the dishwasher, which I usally dont do because it makes me nauses.

My sister finally got a job! She is tutoring Bio at the high school. She gets paid 10 bucks an hour. Maybe now she will pay me back that 20 dollars she owes from Wing Night.

Amusing news. Becca was talking to Tim at stage crew and asked him what was up with him and that 'frizzy haired girl' in his US History class. Hahaha. I'm lauging because Tim was like 'Um no, I dont think my BOYFREIND would like that very much' she was like 'OoO. Hahaha. I dont understand why she just doesnt call me by my name. I mean we are on the same rugby team. oh well. boo her.
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