What You Really Think Of Your Friends
Spammy is your soulmate.
You truly love Alicia.
You consider Mia your true friend.
You know that Kellie is always thinking of you.
You'll remember Allie for the rest of your life.
You secretly think Dillan is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.
You secretly think that Becky is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.
You secretly think that Kymee is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Kymee changes lovers faster than underwear.
You secretly think Sophia is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Sophia has a hidden internet romance.
What Do You Think of Your Friends? Heyy guys! wowwwwzers havent updated in centuriesss..well heres the scoop..final (yuk), tea party (eh), end of skool (yay), no more dressing out (boo), and VACATION 2 CHICAGO (yippee)!!
lol yup thats basically it..maybe ill try 2 do a nifty little cut w/ pix from this skool yr..just maybe =)
<3*comment if u wanna..wont affect me =)
ps - this is something that i MUST say..kellie, im REALLY, TRULY sorry abt what i said, i know u dont think i mean it, but i really do, and i hope u can forgive me..but we'll talk more abt it 2morrow...ilusm & i dont want 2 lose u as a friend!