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irishka1205 May 10 2009, 02:51:03 UTC
EXACTLY! Sam is not doing this just because he wants power to rule the world. He hates it. He knows it's wrong. He knows it's changing him, probably permanently into something he hates. But after watching everybody he loved die. After seeing his brother being torn to shreds when Sam could have done something to stop it, Sam is not going to let it happen again. He has a way to protect Dean and to stop the apocalypse. And he's taking it. And that's a very good analogy.

Dean, well...yeah. I guess in a way it's always been that way. For the most part Dean's been so pre-occupied all his life with protecting Sam, with keeping Sam safe, he really didn't have time to focus on Sam's emotional well being. I can't completely blame Dean for this (I blame John, but that's a whole other conversation). But if Dean really knows Sam as well as he claims he does (I disagree with him on this), he should have seen this coming. He would have seen this coming, if he was paying attention that is. Again, I can't completely blame him because he did after all spend 40 years in hell. Which is why Sam felt he had to take charge here. Dean wasn't up to it and somebody had to do it. So, Sam stepped up like he always does. Sam's about action, when his life is falling apart, when he's hurting, he's all about action and revenge and this is no different. It's just that this time he has a way to actually win the fight, even though he's more than likely sacrificing himself in the process.


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