Oh, show <3

Apr 02, 2009 22:11

Kripke, whether you're a prophet or a god, I don't know, but THANK YOU!!!!  I think I just forgave you for, well, most of this season. There are some things I am still not happy about, but this episode made up for a lot.  And you know what?  Seeing Dean actually act like Dean, even if all he wanted was to run away, was so nice that I'll forget for the moment how he was totally broken just 2 episodes ago.  Dean trying to save Sammy, Dean ordering tofu, Dean learning about slash - LMAO.

I need to watch the episode again because honestly, I think I missed half the lines in the first half of it due to laughing my ass off.  But omg,
- Sam and Dean reading about SamGirls and DeanGirls and 'they do know we're brothers, right?' No offense to anybody who's into Wincest, but that was hilarious. 
- Dean with pink bandaids.  Though I have to say, seeing Dean get hit by a car again brought back the memories of Mystery Spot.  *shudders*
- Poor Impala.  Why must you  hurt her so, Kripke?
- Boys working together - almost spending the entire episode together.  Woooohoooooo!  That's two episodes in a row.  That makes me so happy
- Sammy FINALLY talking to somebody
- Hell, boys finally talking to each other.  I guess I don't need to post my fic now.  *grins*
- Sam standing his ground
- Dean slightly scaring me that he was going to walk out on Sam.  Thank you, Dean, for sticking around and being Dean and praying and asking for help and trying to save Sam
- Never thought I'd say this, but Cas got some brownie points today. 
- Sam always being the smart one.  LOVED the fact that he remained so calm and steady in the scene with Lilith.  She was the one freaked and scared and trying to make a deal.  I don't know if she's necessarily scared of Sam, but my guess is yes.  And that is awesome.
- Sam making the right decision and going for the knife.  For a moment there he did have me scared that he'd cross that line.  I am pretty sure he will cross the line because he needs to get stronger to kill Lilith.  Not sure if it means more demon blood or what, but I have no doubt he'll get there.  At what cost, though?
- I really really do not want to know what Chuck saw.  But I have a pretty good guess, considering where the season's been going.  
- Boys doing laundry!!!!!  Dean reading everything that was about to happen was hilarious. 
- That blue and white checkered shirt looks incredible on Jared.  *guuuuuh*  (come on, you knew there'd be a shalow item)
- Bad ass Sam!!!!
- Sam actually opening up and saying what's on his mind - well, it only took the writers 18 episodes  to get there.  I thank you, Kripke.

*dances around*

Not happy about hiatus, but it's not too bad.  I know absolutely no spoilers about the next episode aside from the preview and what the general short summary of the episode.  But I have my suspicions, which I will not post because I don't want them confirmed or denied.

To sum up, I LOVED this episode.  This episode was what this show is about - humor, drama, keep you on the edge of your seat thrills,bite your nails tension, action, pretty boys, and two brothers who would do absolutely everything and anything for each other.  

sam winchester, supernatural, kripke, dean winchester

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