Wow, I haven't updated my journal or posted anything here to let people know I'm alive in a wicked long time! I'm wicked sorry :-/
I got a full time job as a lifeguard/swim instructor at the Burbank YMCA in Reading, MA. I've been working there for about 3 months and they promoted me to a supervisor for Saturdays and Sundays =)
Even though I am working full time, I still go to school. I passed 2 of my finals and got A's in those classes. My math class I'm not doing so well in. My professor is giving me an IP (In progress) for a grade and I hafta go to summer school. It blew me away when I found out that college has summer school. I just hafta finish 3 tests and then take the final (and get a 70 or above) to pass that class. Also, I am taking a Bio class over the summer to get it out of the way so I don't hafta take it in the fall.
I recently got a boyfriend. He's really sweet. His name is Mike, but everyone calls him Mac. All our friends were kinda confused when they found out we were dating cuz we're on complete opposite sides of the spectrum... But all I can say is opposites attract. I found out that he used to work at the YMCA and did everything I do now. He jokes around saying I took his job cuz I got hired the day he left. Its kinda funny. I really like him, and he actually treats me really well. Thats a big change for me. When I get some good pix of him, I will post them and everyone can tell me what they think of him =)
Well, I think thats all. Yes, I have a rather boring life lately haha. I'll try to stay as active as I can <3