bored I am..

Apr 09, 2007 09:53

So Wednesday me and my friend Liz are singing a duet from The Tales of Hoffman.  I'm excited about it, a bit worried about the words though because we don't have them completely memorized yet.  I'm just glad we finally have something to sing for.  It is a competition and there are prizes, like cash prizes and even though that would be cool, I'm just glad to have an audience to sing to :o)  My birthday is on Friday and I still don't know exactly what I want to do.  Probably go to a club with just a couple friends then drink.  I've been so confused about a lot of stuff right now.  I know what I have to do about a certain something soon and I feel like I am finally ready to do it.  So that is good.  But man I gotta change my sleeping habits.  The only reason I am up this early is because I stayed up all night.  Lately I have been sleeping all day and staying up all night and my body can't get out of the funk!  It's driving me crazy.  Ugh, well I think I'm gonna crash...later!
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