Nov 06, 2005 10:35
So we took my grandparents to the airport today, it was freakin crazy!!!!! My grandpappy was going ot a bowling tournament and b/c the doctor finally gave the ok, my grandma went with him (she always does, but we weren't sure if she could htis time b/c of her surgery). So we go there about 12:30 or so, and their plan didn't leave until after 2 so we were really early. So then 10 minutes later this guy comes onto the loud speaker and says that there is a security issue and everyone needs to evacuate the building. So everyone procedes to leave and we sit outside for almost 2 hours. Apparently somebody just left their bag unattended so they had to bring in a team of specialists in case it was a bomb.'s not DIA, it's the Ft. Collins/Loveland airport......there is not that much space to leave your bag.........people are so dumb!!!! So anyway, we left after they finally cleared it, and my mom and I had to rush home so that we would be on time for my senior pictures. It was actually fun this time, i didn't feel like a douche......probably b/c he didn't put me in retarded poses. Anyhoo after that my mom and I went to Centerra and checked out Foley's......i got some gloves and a new hat for winter, since i can't find my frog hat. So if any of you have it by chance, b/c i left it at your house or something.....tell me b/c i miss my frog hot......Oh Kumar....why oh why did you have to leave me!!!!!!??????
In other news Forensics is a bitch and still boring......I don't think i can do this all i probably won't. Also......girls are bitches and I'm tired of it.......and that's about the story of my weekend. Hope you all enjoyed my little ditty........ta ta mother fuckers!
~Meg (The Inconsiderate Bitch)<<<<<<< I'm making cards soon, so you'll all have one that says that! YAY!! HAPPY SUPER FUN TIME!