Massive Hideaway Post

Oct 05, 2010 03:21

So sorry.... I've been neglecting posting here.

I've still been drawing if you've been following me on dA ( ) or on twitter ( ).

Your teaser:

The rest are behind the cut (including some "how I color" type examples. yay! FUN!):

Here's the finished Hideaway Cover. I've shown the sketches that made this up in other entries:

Arthur and Carly sketch to finished picture:

Another Arthur/Carly picture... sketch to finished. (she's got brown hair here because it's a scene from the end of the story. Read the story, and you'll probably figure out why!) Oh wait, you need a link. here you go:

Er... another Arthur/Carly (Can you tell who my favorite couple is? eh heh... :D ) This one isn't done yet, but I have some more step by step of the drawing for you. The first one is how I work out a difficult pose. I draw the anatomy sections first. It didn't quite turn out how I wanted. She looks like she's sitting on his lap, and that's now how it is in the scene. (um... awkward? LOL) So I had to rework it a little in the final sketch.

Here's the final sketch (which is the first detailed on I drew after the one above. Score!)

And finally... Just a picture of Arthur... who has a guilty smile :D

hideaway, art, arthur ramsey, carly callahan

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