(no subject)

Jan 23, 2006 16:34

well well well....livejournal. I dont write in this very much anymore. Probably because i dont feel the need to complain to the world about everything, but at the same time it can be nice to get some things off my chest.

One thing is that Im thinking of going to Liberty University next year. It's in Virginia. Looks like a nice place. It's in Virginia and its a Christian college which i thik will be quite good for me.

Excepting God into my life has been the most amazing experience. I've never felt so sure about something before and ive never seen the world in such a clear way. I dont really know if that last sentance made sence but it did to me. lol Im positive that im on the right path and nothing will get in my way. I know i will have to over come some tough obsticals in the near future and later on in life, but i know God will really help me through it. Im proud to say Im a follower of God and if that makes me a loser in some peoples eyes for some odd reason then good for them. Nothing can really take me down from this high at this point.

Thanks a lot everyone and have a great night =)

P.S: For the person that helped lead me down this path.....i love you for everything!
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