Unexpected Call (And Unknown Wii Bowling Standings)

Mar 05, 2018 09:31

Wii bowling score,
For week three-
I’m not sure.
It’s not posted,
No one boasted.

Though last week saw monster scores,
We’re still in 1st place-
I’m almost sure.
Why wouldn’t we be-
Considering those scores,
Were something to see?

That happened Wednesday,
The images-
Again play.
Of my ex-
And his rages.
Yes, he tried to call me,
While I was bowling,
You see.
I didn’t pick up the phone,
If I had,
He would want to keep in touch,
No luch-no such.
How can I talk to someone,
When our relationship,
Is done-
And the magic is gone?
Sean, you weren’t there,

When I was upstairs.
And my phone rang,
While in the middle-
Of the game.
I <3 you so much,
It’s true.
He obviously ,
Of the past-
Won’t let go.
Knowing that what happened,
Wasn’t my doing-
Of this, I contend.
Hadn’t heard from him in more than a year,
When I heard the number-
Upon opening my phone,
It was my worst fear.
The call was two days late,
He couldn’t even-
Remember my birthday,
On the exact date.

surprised by someone else, march, friends, phone call, worry, hurt, ignored, relationships, weekend, stress, regret, birthday, unwanted call, fear, friendship, unexpected shock, bad memories, sunday afternoon, wii bowling, unknown, saturday, message, my ex, past, communcation, surprise, marriage

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