Glad It Happened Today And Not On My Birthday

Feb 21, 2018 14:44

My body hurts,
Last week was a warning,
“Monthly friend’s coming”.

My body was telling me,
So I got ready..
In 2 days,
The pain went away-
Though I was,
Prepared anyways.

Here we go again,
Say “Hello” to,
My “monthly friend”.
Glad I had a light lunch,
It was coming-
This time for real,
I had a hunch.

But, you’re not here-
No, dear. ☹
To cuddle with me,
On an afternoon,
So cloudy.

You left me,
Alone to be.
No, I didn’t bowl-
Good thing,
My body had it’s own control.
I <3 how it tried to sneak,
By this week.

That didn’t happen,
Sitting here-
“Hello” again.
This time,
Stronger pain-
Not from the rain.
My body’s saying
“Kid, you’re mine!
Let me ruin your day,
In my own way.

All I can do is cry,
Without my best friend-
Why’d you have to leave-
And me endure the pain,

Stronger pain,
Shooting through me-
More than last week,
You see.
This time,
I can say-
It’s real,

Boy, do I hurt-
Yes, I feel-
Like a jerk,
As I feel like dirt.

It had to rain today,
In my body’s way.
Feel like crap,
Rest won’t help-
No nap.

Unless in your arms,
Where I know-
No harm.
Please come back,
My body’s
Out of whack.

love my body, "monthly friend", love, beautiful body, hugging, friendship, about me

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