Today’s Plan

Feb 06, 2018 10:27

No out in the cold,
This winter mess-
Is getting old.
I hate the snow,
But I have a puppy-
Who loves it so.

I ❤ looking at the snow,
But I’d hate going out in it-
Oh, no!
Winter can take,
An exit.

What to do today,
To keep the cold away!
Do you want to,
Watch Dash Berlin videos,
On the big TV-
Just you and me?

We’re to get more snow,
Tonight-that is,
An inch or so.
On top of what we’ve got-
I think we’ve had a lot.

All right,
My mom’s puppy-
Lives this wintry sight.
But I’m tired of it,
I only like,
From the sky-
Watching the clouds spit.

Winter must go,
And also snow.
My bestie and I,
Wish to go walking,
Under the sunny sky.

together, cold, blizzard, weather, together forever, planning, snow, winter, relationships, friendships

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