A Few Days Before Christmas

Dec 23, 2017 10:25

Two days to go before Christmas. . .
December sure has flown by in such a hurry. Ultimately, I’m so glad that I was able to finish my Christmas gift-getting way ahead of time. Procrastinating isn’t me-even on the festive time of year.
It’s the day before Christmas Eve, and the current weather doesn’t look like snow yet. Though it is cold, the sun’s out.
How deceivingly warm it looks! Nevertheless, there’s no wind to even dream up right now. Could that possibly change as the weekend rolls along?
My bestie and I have a date with family-not before tomorrow, that is. My parents literally live in town-just near the Illinois/Wisconsin boarder. Therefore, it’s somewhat an easy trip for them to make-as long as there’s no traffic or weather issues to speak of.
It’ll be nice to get out for a few ours-celebrate with family while watching the snow fall outside. Boy, is that going to make it really look and feel like Christmas!
No snow on the ground today; however, the temperatures make it feel like Christmas anyway.
Wish we could build a snowman-working together to make it the coolest of all the land. That would be awesome-even a snow kingdom. Ultimately, we may need more than three inches of snow to even attempt to make a winter creation.
Today’s a snow vacation. 2 days away to Christmas, and there isn’t even a snowflake flying in the sky. Oh, my! That is going to change, though; however, I’ll ride out this winter obstacle course with you-beginning with lunch tomorrow; how does that sound?


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