New Clothes

Oct 29, 2017 09:24

Thanks for going with me,
To Khol’s, you see.
Yesterday to get new clothes,
Before it snows.

I ❤ spending each day with you,
Doesn’t matter at all
What we do.
Clothes shopping yesterday,
Was a zoo.

Thanks for picking out that cool shirt,
Helping me pick out nice clothes-
Before snow starts to flirt.

You’re awesome,
Though you may
Think you’re not.
Don’t feel glum.
You’re not in the way,
On any day.

We had my money with us,
I could’ve bought you
Some new gloves.
Why didn’t you ask me?
I would’ve done that
For my bestie.
Not because I had to,
But because you mean
So much to me.


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