|| does shelley harder have to choke a bitch? ||

Aug 31, 2005 15:57

WARNING: the opinions expressed in this update are strictly those of the author. the following entry contains graphic language which some readers may find offensive. viewer discretion is advised.

it's been a long time since i've had an old fashioned rant. so without further ado, i give to you, shelley's rant.

drivers. i'd like to talk to you first. i'm assuming that if you're on the road that you have something i like to call a license. now i think people are little confused. it's a license to drive, not a license to be a fucking idiot. here's some pointers. signal lights, use them. if you're too fucking lazy to spend the 5 seconds it takes to turn them on then honestly you shouldn't be on the road. i'm not a fucking mind reader. i can't tell what in hell you plan on doing. cutting through lanes of traffic without signaling causes me to want to beat you to death with your steering wheel. it's not hard. it's the little stick usually to the right of your steering wheel. sometimes it's part of the wipers. easy to find and if you can't that's what the owner's manual is for. next, lets talk about speed limits shall we? major highways have speed limits for a reason. it keeps everyone else on the road safe. if you'd like to drive like a fucking moron and speed like a bat out of hell, get yourself a race car and go around the track a few times. on the other hand there are people out there that don't seem to think they're vehicle can do 100km/hour. guess what? ALL VEHICLES CAN! even fucking tin cans made in the 50's can do 100 SO DO SO! if you want to drive 80 go down a fucking back road. that goes for farmers too. don't be driving your brand new tractor down major highways. for fuck sake you're an off road vehicle so instead of taking up both lanes drive in the ditch. i bet my life that your equipment would be able to do it. just because you're bigger than me doesn't give you the right to be an asshole. and if i happen to pass you while you're going 40 and taking up both lanes and you see my middle finger, honestly don't be surprised. just because you have that nifty little plastic card allowing you to be on the road, doesn't necessarily mean you should be. learn to drive, pay a-fucking-tention because i don't have a desire to die out there just cause you're too dumb to realize what you're doing.


i want to talk to all the females out there for a moment. i'm not sure when it became the norm for women to hate women but i sure as shit didn't get the meno. what the hell is wrong with the female race these days? haven't we gone through enough over the years that the last thing we need is to take each other out? we've fought for everything we have. we fought for the right to vote, to work, to be equal and get the same pay as men. we've come a long way and now it seems that it's time for us to revert back to the cave man days. i'm not in competition with any woman out there and i don't appreciate the glares i get everywhere i go. you want to listen to britney spears and dress like a 'ho that's your choice. don't get down on me because i'm a professional woman with a brain in my head. i'm actually taking advantage of what other women before me fought for and i don't need some teeny boppin' little bitch looking down her nose at me. but that's what seems to be happening. women just glare at other women... why? fuck if i know. i could ramble on about not hating and appreciating but what good would it do really? we females have become a cut throat nasty group. we don't even have to know another chick before we're ready to hate her. it's stupid, so cut it out. do you realize how childish it is when you walk down the street and suddenly start glaring and giggling because you happen to spot another girl coming your way? we have enough problems without fighting with each other. i'm trying to take a step forward here and i got these dumb as sticks broads pulling me back five steps. i might not be a size 2 but unlike most women, that's not important to me. what is important is my mind. what's important is the fact that i'm cutting my own path in a world dominated still by men. so you go right ahead, point and giggle. i don't fucking care that you think i'm a square because i'm not walking around looking like i belong on a street corner. i'm a woman, that doesn't mean i have to flaunt my tits to get where i am. don't glare at me when you don't even know me. don't suddenly think that i'm invading your territory because i couldn't fucking care less what's happening in that tiny little world of yours. i have better things to do. lets get back on track here, we're not supposed to be fighting with each other. we're supposed to be helping each other out. if all being a woman is... is competition and petty assed shit then to hell with it. i'll get a sex change because women are really starting to tick me off. grow up. that's pretty much it. grow the fuck up. we're not in highschool anymore and if you want to hate me without knowing me, fine. doesn't make much difference to me since if that's the way you're going to be i don't want to be around you anyways. but don't be surprised if one day i decide i've had enough and you hear... "does shelley harder have a choke a bitch?" cause guess what? i'm not afraid to do so.

whew, well i dont' know about you but i feel better.
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