Jun 22, 2005 00:56
Eventually we come to realize that all the hopes and dreams we had as children are just that... hopes and dreams. We're not all going to be rock stars. We're not all going to be famous actors. Firemen, police officers, or anything else that a child's mind can come up with. Because eventually we realize that life isn't just an endless set of possibilities. There are just some things that can't be done. Be it we're too short, too tall, too small, too fat... limitations are a fact of life.
And to each their own...
Tonight I've realized my limitations. And tonight I've realized that I haven't been dreaming about becoming a rock star or a famous actress. I've dreamed about meeting someone that accepts me for me... and loves me for it. The hopes and dreams of a child that's become a woman and realizes... the marriage, the kids, the white picket fence... is just my own personal limitation. Because it's not going to happen.
And the sooner I'm okay with that... the better off I'll be.
PS - I don't even know if you have me added anymore but I'd suddenly realized that I should have gone with you to New Zealand when you asked me to years ago. Or maybe because I didn't, has made me the person I am today. It's strange isn't it? But as we always told each other... no regrets. And I'm trying. Really trying to keep that in mind.