soooooooooo bored

May 20, 2004 20:06

I'm so bored I took the "are you fuckable?" quiz. I finally found the answer to the haunting question that's been looming deep within the chasm of my mind. I think it was meant for girls but I'm not sexist so I figured I'd give it a stab....results please:

You Are F***-able!
And boy do you ever take advantage of your do-ability. And why not?
If you can score, why not go for it? And no matter how many steamy affairs you have...
Well, you always seem to find more. And no wonder - you are hot from any perspective.
Hot attitude, hot appearance, and hot passion equals tons of hot screwing!

...not bad. These quizzes definitely have 100% reflection of reality so...bring on the f***ing!

losing hope is easy
when your only friend is gone
when you finally look around
it all it all just seems to change
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