Aug 10, 2004 21:36
Sooooo, it's been a week since I updated and after a lot of soul searching I can honestly say that I'm doing ok. That is to say I'm still a little shell shocked but I'm back on my feet and ready to take the world head on. I've got everything situated as far as my career goes and as a matter of fact, with change comes opportunity.
I've started to take on my own deals in the commercial real estate world which means more cash coming my way. Management restructured and it turns out my new boss is a little more sympathetic towards my situation than the old one, so that works.
I got back on my old workout regime (thank god, I could just feel the love handles growing back) so that is a relief. Though, it's a little harder day by day than when I left it, it only gets easier.
I've got what only can be assumed a "date" this weekend so I'll keep you informed how that goes. Needless to say, everything from here on out in the dating world shall be taken slow. The last thing my emotions need is another rollercoaster. I don't really see this going anywhere but it's always nice to get out and have some fun.
I'm outta this shithole called a city in less than a year. I can't take this place anymore. It's only a stepping stone, I know, but it has been nothing less than a lesson in instability. Hopefully, I'll be able to call South Carolina home. Someone there will see my true potential and not take it for granted. My life has only blue skies ahead now that I have complete control over it.
What a boring post....I apologize. This is more of an affirmation than anything to let myself know that my life is never as bad as it seems. "You've got two choices, get busy living, or get busy dying". I'll take the former.