Whoa. It's been nearly three months since the last time I logged onto LJ. I miss divulging my thoughts into cyberworld.
This semester has been pretty crazy, just trying to keep up with everything. I thought I had picked out 3 easy classes and 1 hard class, but I managed to end up with 4 hard classes and an extra 20-page research paper. Oh well. Only 2 months left then I'm out of here.
I still don't know where I'll be next year. I've gotten 5 rejections, 2 waiting lists (Colorado-Boulder and Loyola), 1 acceptance (NIU- I don't plan to take their offer), and I'm waiting to hear from 2 (Notre Dame and Purdue). Hopefully I'll know soon; I'm really getting sick of this whole not knowing where my life is going thing. Although, I have decided that if I don't make it into any other school but NIU, I won't take their offer because it will get me nowhere; instead, I'll enter into a 1-2 year training program to become a medical assistant. The job market for medical assistants is supposed to grow %60 in the next few years. It's time to start thinking about what's going to create a career for me, which may not be what I want to do. Sucks, but that's life.
And on that note, I need some Ian. I haven't posted an Ian pic lately, so here ya go:
Oh yeah. Let's see your "o" face, Ian. ;p