Unexplained computer behavior may be caused by slow peoplea dfkaojdfialDUHadfioad

Aug 23, 2004 08:14

I feel a rather long entry comin on...

Truely has been a while since I last updated! So much to fill you guys in on- so I'll just hit the jackpots of the past two weeks.

I got back from Canadia on the 15th at 'round 1030pm.ish. The turb was due to the departing Hurr.Charlie. Wasn't so bad-just kinda nerve WRACKING. Sike, but really it was okay. ((I'm going to travel through the week backwards)) Friday morning... breakfast in the hotel, quiet times, and hit the road for 40mins to Montague to start the regularly schedualed sport camps we'd held all week. It was the hottest day of the week- a top notch of 85 o's! Lol. We did some drills and we were sposed to start a scrimmage- but ALL of our teens broke off into pairs with the kids and started "suttle spiritual convo's" but God fell onto Montague that day and He allowed so many kids to get saved. O it was so awesome, I can't even explain His Glory~ A few of the teenagers werew already kids of the kingdom, but didnt have spiritual priorities in line. There was A LOT of tears, so many broken hearts. But He put them back together the way He wanted them to be placed and that opened soooo many more doors. We traveled home-knowing that we had accomplished all that Christ required of us. We hit up lunch and the rest of the afternoon was a blurrrr trying to prepare for the Friday night's "Youth Thang" at the montague church. John was nervous -the poor boyo- but God calmed his nerves on the ride there. There were a few stumbles at the beginning but I think God showed the teens there that were people too ((not some alien kids attacking their beliefs and challenging their life)). The speaking could not have gone ANY BETTER! It broke people, with no appologies, Christ's words were spoken. So on Friday the 13th, it was not a freaky friday, it was a saving friday: 2 teens, 1 adult, and a hand full of kids were accepting God that night and their souls were saved. God's hand again moved through EVERYONE. No exaggerations~ Personally, I got to talk with Nick. And seriously this cat's testimony is crazy. He was a rougher. It was after the Youtht Thang was all said and done-there was Sundaes in a sep. room and I was on my way to go get one- when I turned around and there was a hole in the wall (WHAT THE HECK~!?!~) I saw this guy Nick chillin against the wall and something told me to talk to him... lemme tell you i was bout to die ((nerve wracking would have to be an understatement for that point in time)) but somethin forced me over there. We chatted on some tough stuff for about 45mins, and then Steve ((which was another miracle in itself that he walked by us)) shared parts of his testimony after I told mine, and Nick started to realize that it was NOT a coincidint that he was breathing right in front of us, and decided that he was tired of doing stuff his way and being the lonely, lowly guy he had been for so long. This dude broke down- tears and was crying out to God. Instantly. You could tell there was something different about him. It was AMAZING! Everyone (save one)in Bendie Sripe Straw Van was ballin. We didnt want to leave the spirit we had been placed in with those people. No they werent even "those people"-relationships were tied together that week that NO one will forget. And that was just Friday. :D

God did some serious miracles these past few weeks. He did some writing on walls ((hit up the book of Daniel for that story in the Bible)). Crazy stuff went down~ no, no, God stuff went around... there we go-that's much better. Ashley got her life rededicated! Wahizz.

To all the Pirate Ninjas and Karati Mosquitos: Fatty & Feast, Big boody big boody big boody uh huh big boody (where's Kelsey's rendition?), I'm nodda beaver-imma weasel, ree-aaw, RAWR, stoip crying, i dont get it, not a spoon or a knife but a FOUR-k, spice up your life, kindrrrred spirits, Hellowww motherrrr, kiss my dime you stoopit son of a dollar, Lacob Folland- aviators of the world, Boy-lobster *the new super hero*, ellen da bomb gardener, and laur-da-the feagans (twins?),& olay olay olay oooolay, laff laff laf laf laff... wheew that was kinderrr extensive *wink*

ask more questions if ya got em -or just come over and ill show you pictures :D poof pow how ya feelin now~ LaU
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