Well, Bryce went to Los Angeles this weekend for Teddy Lee's wedding so Bree, Cullen and I stayed home alone. Overall, the weekend went pretty well. Saturday we just hung out at home for most of the day. I caught the following video when Bree and Cullen were supposed to be taking a nap. This is the first time I have really caught them interacting with each other (other than the steal a toy or attempt to crawl over each other).
Click to view
I thought it was pretty cute.
I am not sure what was going on with them on Sunday. They are both usually so happy when they wake up in the morning, but for some reason, they both woke up on the wrong side of the bed yesterday. They were just not happy campers. And to top it off, it was raining on and off yesterday so I was limited in the use of my fail safe technique...the long walk around the neighborhood. That usually cheers them up and puts them to sleep, but it started raining less than ten minutes after we left so we had to turn back. Luckily, Daddy came home around 2 (though hung over from the festivities the night before) so I had some help.