you're stressing me out when you prove me wrong...

May 26, 2007 15:41

so, again, for the record:

no. seriously.
I hate them.

(ok, so that's a gross overgeneralization. I've liked one or two that I've been to... like Allie and Josh's, Julie and Dave's and John and Ellie's, but the majority of them make me want to stab myself repeatedly. I kid you not.)

and because I'm bored to death sitting at my apartment waiting for Kyle to be done with his groomsman bit...

• Are you available?: hahahahaaNO.
• What is your age?: 23
• What annoys you?: A lot of things. Weddings and stupid people are high on that list.

• Do you know anyone named Billy?: Yes. I also have a cousin named Billie
• When is your birthday?: Nov. 29th.
• Who is your best friend?: there's a bunch. and they all know who they are.

• What's your favorite candy?: chocolate-y things and pixy stix
• Crush?: Does Kyle really count as a crush?
• When was the last time you cried?: today

• Do you daydream?: often
• What's your favorite kind of dog? not the little yappy ones. those annoy me too... and make me wanna punt them six ways from sunday
• What day of the week is it?: Saturday

• How do you like your eggs? cooked.
• Have you ever been in the emergency room?: Yeah. too many times
• Ever pet an elephant?: no. That would be sweet!!!

• Do you use fly swatters?: Not really
• Have you ever used a foghorn?: no.
• Is there a fan in your room?: Yes

• Do you chew gum?: Sometimes
• Do you like gummy candies?: some
• Do you like scary movies?: not really

• How are you?: irked. irritated. tired. not happy. (but this is improving because I'm listening to "Yatta!")
• What's your height?: 5ft 2
• What color is your hair?: dark brown. almost black. gets copper/light brown highlights in the summer

• Whats your favorite ice cream?: mint chocolate chip... although moosetracks and mackinaw island fudge are good too!
• Have you ever ice skated?: Yep. I grew up on lakes and I took figure skating lessons.
• Ever been in an igloo?: Nope... but one day.

• What's your favorite Jelly Bean?: toasted marshmallow, pear, mint...
• Have you ever heard a really hilarious joke? Yes
• Do you wear jewelry?: yes. but nothing too flashy

• Who do you want to kill?: ahahahaaaa... the next person who asks me when kyle and I are getting married. don't be that guy if you don't want to die.
• Have you ever flown a kite?: yes!
• Do you think kangaroos are cute?: kind of... a deadly sort of cute

• Are you laidback?: nope
• Lions or tigers?: Tigers. They win more games.
• Do you like black licorice?: no. ewsick!

• Favorite movie as a kid? I really liked the Little Mermaid and Aladdin... most disney movies...
• Ever shopped at Moosejaw?: I got my first pair of Chacos there, but no, I don't shop there regularly. too poor for that stuff
• Favorite store at the mall?: the Discovery Channel Store...

• Do you have a nickname?: I have several
• Whats your favorite number?: 2, 12, 42, 413
• Do you prefer night or day?: day

• What's your one wish?: that is for me to know and you not to.
• Are you an only child?: Nope
• Do you like the color orange?: not at all.

• What are you most paranoid about?: doors being locked at night, walking around alone at night...
• Piercings? Ears
• Do you know anyone named Penelope?: yes

• Are you quick to judge people?: sometimes, unfortunately.
• Do you like Quaker Oats?: sure?
• Know anyone that makes quilts?: yes

• Do you think you're always right?: there's not a snowflake's chance in HELL that I think this... if anything, I think I am always wrong.
• Do you watch reality TV?: no. I would rather shoot myself
• Reason to cry?: I have a few
• Do you prefer sun or rain?: sun
• Do you like snow?: I LOVE SNOW!!!!!!
• What is your favorite season?: summer or winter. fall is ok too.

• What time is it?: 4:06 pm
• What time did you wake up? 10-ish, but I kept briefly waking up through the night

• Can you ride a unicycle?: No. I wish...
• Do you know anyone with a unibrow?: yes
• How many uncles do you have?: hmmm... there's 3 on my dad's side... and... 4? on my mom's.

• What's the worst vegetable?: tomatos. without a doubt. they're squidgy.
• Ever considered being vegan?: yes. I'm already a vegetarian...

• What's your worst habit?: self-deprecation.
• Do you like water rides?: Yes
• Ever been inside a windmill? no

• Have you ever had an x-ray?: Yes. I've had a lot
• Ever used a Xerox machine?: yes

• Do you like the color yellow?: only sunshine yellow... and not on me.
• What year were you born in?: 1983
• Do you yell when you're angry?: sometimes

• Do you believe in the zodiac?: Not at all, really.
• What's your zodiac sign?: Sagittarius
• When was the last time you went to the zoo?: a long time ago...

I really miss my dad. I wish I could see him soon.
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