May 03, 2007 19:48
so I definitely don't think I got the 86% on the math exam that I needed to get in order to get a B-. That means that I can't take pre-calc.
and that means that I won't be able to take calc by the time I graduate.
(which, by the way, is in a year from today!!!)
all this means that I have truly wasted my parent's money.
I am a complete and utter failure.
I won't get into grad school.
I won't be able to find a job.
I will never make anything of my life.
and I'm gonna end up bankrupt and living in a box after I graduate.
I fail.
If I wasn't such a coward and if so many people didn't care about me, I would kill myself and save valuable resources for others who will put them to good use.
(ok, so maybe that's a lie. maybe.)
but I am feeling pretty crappy. and that, my friends, is no lie.
but at least Jesus still loves me, even if I'm made of fail.
(that thought makes me tremendously happy in spite of all this.)
and I have a titanium spork too! My friend Darrell got it for me. it makes me smile muchly.
at least I'm done with all my in-person finals.
thank God. The end couldn't have come any sooner.
if I had to go one more week, I may have just committed myself to a hospital.
*dances with joy*
ok, so I'm a little less depressed because of this... I think my final exam score was a 94% or something like that...