Title: My Dear Mrs. Dixon
Rating: PG 13
Part: 12 of ?
Pairing: Eames/Ariadne
Disclaimer: I am just playing with Nolan's toys
Summary: The only sensible solution to their current problem is to get 'married' of course!
Author's Note: Written in response to a prompt at
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Meanwhile - I'm very much with Ariadne on choosing the comfy underwear. Eames shall be amused once he sees. I love that she's no-nonsense about this, and, much as I liked the trope in a few stories, I doubt she's a virgin (which, heavens, why it's so problematic to have stories in which she's a virgin and they don't use a bloody condom), so it's not like she's clueless about what might happen. I'm thinking she's even playing / anticipating his reaction to this. Not that she'd admit it to herself.
So, if you don't really start teaching until the next week, we can expect a chapter every day as a stress reliever, right? ;o) (Seriously, though - good luck getting back into a comfortable routine.)
Ariadne definitely is no virgin - and you're right, she's not clueless as to what might happen.
HAHA, I wish! I am sure I'll be spending the next few days doing paperwork..blech!
Thanks for the feedback
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