Nov 12, 2004 16:07
so, not such a bad week.
honestly was in town on tuesday, so we had to go to their showcase at the viper room and do the industry glad-handing and all that. they were a lot better than i thought they were going to be, so that was nice. i liked their album to begin with, but they're so young that i didn't know if they'd have the live chops. they're not superstars yet, but they could be; the potential is there. and they're nice southern boys from atlanta who are playing/have played with a bunch of musicians that i know, so that's cool.
otep was on wednesday, so deborah and i got ourselves over to the key club to witness the 'theatre of cruelty,' as otep calls it. you know, i've never been one for death metal, so it wasn't really my cup of tea, but it was better than i thought it was going to be. a lot less screaming and a lot more poetry. but, that still didn't make it something that i would voluntarily put in my stereo. however, she's intelligent and certainly a trailblazer, since she's one of the very few women in metal these days. i mean, there's kittie and lacuna coil and evanescence (which i don't consider to be metal), but i think that's about it. so, more power to her. take your pain and rock with it, i say. i just won't be listening to it unless you pay me to. oh wait, you do....never mind then.
next week i'm going to largo to see jude and david garza. definitely more my scene. i'm excited.
my horoscope for this weekend says: a new moon on november 12 will fall in your fifth house of true love, and will act like a little matchmaker bent on linking you to a soul mate. all new moons set up two weeks of energy. the actions you take during these two weeks will be potent and will have the power to set your course for the following year. several potential special someones should show up in this glorious month. you will be able to take your pick!
sounds good to me! i could certainly use it right about now, since i'm still trying to figure out how to handle the englishman when he gets home. i insist on believing that i won't ever hear from him again, which means that i most likely will hear from him when he gets back from tour. but, we'll burn that bridge when we get to it.