Mar 08, 2005 22:17
It's Spring Break and I'm bored... I have a lot of work I have to do, but since I'm sick I have absolutely no energy to do it. I subbed the last 2 days. Yesterday I was in the special ed class at the middle school and today I did a part day as a regular aide at the elementary school. I had a lot of fun with the special ed class. It was a lot of work and tiring, but I felt good at the end of the day, I like being with those kids. Today, even though I was only in for about 3 hours, it was one of the longest days ever. When I got there, I got sent down to watch a 4th and 5th grade class for recess and lunch. First it scared me because I was in my old 5th grade classroom and I had that teacher and she scared me then and she still scares me now. I still cringe when I hear her voice. I remember the way she used to yell at us and how mean she was to us... some things really never change. I walked in there, she looked really surprised to see me, she told me good luck and ran out of the room. She was serious when she said good luck. Her class is horrible. There were 3 kids that really got on my nerves... and they were all kids I had in the after care, too. So they know me and not to fuck around with me, yet they did. The best part is everytime they did something they werent supposed to do, they looked over at me first to see if I was watching and stared at me the whole time they were doing it. Since I'm sick and barely have a voice, it was hard to yell at them, so I basically just gave up. It's really sad that the 4th graders were better behaved than the 5th graders. Luckily I had Mark Anthony (my niece's friend's cousin) to help me out. He's a big mouth and a trouble maker, but since he knows my mother he was pretty much afraid of me since he knows I know his whole family and could easily get back to his father and he'd be in big trouble, so he helped me keep the kids under control and let me know what I should do since I wasnt told when I got to the school. After that, I had lunch duty which was easy, then I spent the afternoon making photo copies, laminating and other stuff that needed to be done in the office.
I got a new cell phone today! My other one decided it didnt want to work anymore. I was wondering why my phone didnt ring for 3 days. People had been yelling at me and asking why I didnt return any of their phone calls... because I never got any of them.
Since I've been sick and have done nothing but lay in bed at night, I've had a lot of time to think. I realized earlier that in just over a month it'll be my one year anniversary with Will. After I realized that I started thinking about a lot of other things. This time last year I had just started my NME process with D Phi E, I went on the retreat, the spring formal which was tons o' fun, Greek Week, and then I went to Crow's formal. But best of all, this was around the time I moved out of the Manor, which I have to say was one of the best decisions I've made since I can remember. When I got to the retreat and was approached by someone about everything, it was amazing how many people came up to me and told me I had to move out and that they would let me stay with them for the last month of school. It was nice to see how many people were really concerned and cared. It felt so good to go back on Sunday, get my stuff and get the hell outta there. Then when I got the phone call and was told that there was a group of people waiting to get the rest of my stuff out... well, that was just fun. So I moved up to LA and actually enjoyed the last month of school, something I didnt do the rest of the school year.
But I have to say the best night of the spring was the Crow formal. I finally got what I had waited since August for. :) And for some reason he's still with me almost a year later... and hopefully will be for many more. I love you.