Feb 24, 2005 13:26
Here is a survey for all of u sooooo interested in my life...and i know you are...lol. read it...some things might surprise you
Name: Meghan Colleen
Birth date: 12/21/87
Birthplace: Buffalo, NY
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'8
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: sag!
Your weakness: trusting people too easily, trying to please every1 and losing myself in the midst of it
Your fears: future, never finding someone i love, mice
Goal you'd like to achieve: college a job a husband kids...
Your most overused phrases: "effing..." "fine"
Your thoughts first waking up: can i go back to sleep?
Your best physical feature: idk eyes mayb?
Your bedtime: tooo late
Pepsi or Coke: rihgt now...nothing b/c i gave up caffine for lent but regualr pepsi and diet coke
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
Single or group dates: depends...group when you start to know them then single
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: vanilla cappuccino
Smoke: noooo never
Cuss: yah i guess
Sing: yes unfortunetly for every1 else...
Take a shower everyday: yep
Have a crush(es): of course
Do you think you've been in love: yes
Excited to go to college or university?: yes and no
Like high school?: yes a lot
Want to get married: yes
Believe in yourself: no
Get motion sickness: on spinning rides
Think you're attractive: meh
Get along with your parents: Most of the time
Like thunderstorms: they are fun to listen to
Play an instrument? flute and piano
In the past month, have you...
Drank alcohol: yea
Smoked: ::no
Made out: yes
Gone on a date: no i wouldnt say that
Gone to the mall: yep
Been on stage: no
Been dumped: no
Gone skating: i cant ice skate or regualr skate
Made homemade cookies: cupcakes? no
Gone skinny dipping: no
Dyed your hair: ...yes
Stolen anything: no
Have You Ever...
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: i guess
Been caught doing something: thats vauge...but sure many things i guess
Been called a tease: yes
Gotten beaten up: physically? ...no
Changed who you were to fit in: obviosuly
Age you hope to be married: 24-25
Numbers and Names of Children: um number: 3-5 i guess...i like maggie, patrick, daniel, andrew, faith
How do you want to die: peacefully
Where you want to go to college/university?: fredonia, cortland, oswego...i dont know!
What do you want to be when you grow up: a principal or superintendent
What country would you most like to visit: Ireland
In a guy...
Best eye color? blue
Best hair color? brown
Short or long hair: longish but not like hippy-ish
Height: taller than me
Best weight: reasonable
Best articles of clothing: blue button up dress shirt
Best date location: baseball game
Best kiss location: under the stars
Number of drugs taken illegally: none
Number of people I could trust with my life: like i said i trust too easily
Number of piercings: just my ears
Number of things in my past that I regret: 5
do you bite your nails: occasionly
can you roll your tongue: yep
can you blow smoke rings: noooo who can besidesthe kids in grease
can you blow spit bubbles: yea lol
can you cross your eyes: im not sure
do you make your bed daily: no
what's sexiest on a guy: eyes
how often do you brush your teeth: twice a day
do you shower/bathe: everyday
how long do these showers last: 10ish minutes
hair method: i usually straighten it or i wear it curly when im lazy
what color is your bedroom: yellow walls w/ tye dye wall paper
do you use an alarm clock: my cell phone wakes me up
name four things or people you're obsessed with: i dont like that
do you sleepwalk: nope
do you talk in your sleep: yah i never stop talking
do you fall asleep with the TV or radio: nope
watched bambi: a long time ago
cried: yesterday
talked on the phone: 2 min ago
read a book: 1 in progress
is music important to you: yes
what instruments do you play: paino and flute
what do you think of Eminem: i kinda like him lol...some songs are catchy
in your opinion what band is the best of all time: beatles, billy joel, styx, journey, goo goo dolls, barenaked ladies
pop music: yea
punk music: molly has rubbed offon me...
rap music: yahhhh lol (head bob renee and pali)
hip-hop/RB: kinda
country: i like dixie chicks:) and other stuff too
jazz: no
classical: not really
hardcore: not really...i like hero of the day? is that hardcore?
indie rock: nope
EMO: dashboard i lvoe and yellowcard and stuff like that
Could you live without the computer? no
What's your favorite fruit? watermelon or pineapple
What hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? emotional
Of times you have had your heart broken? one
Of hearts you have broken? one at best mayb
Of girls kissed? eww..none
Of boys kissed? 3
of drugs taken illegally? none
Of tight friends? 5 or 6
Of scars on my body? 4
I know: gossip...
I want: to get married
I wish: i could move on
I hate: people who pretend to be your firend
I miss: kelly and aliicas...lol
I fear: never falling in love
I often: let little things get to me
I hear: brian adams
I like: talking to my best friends for hours about nothing
I ache: idk
I care: about those who care for me
I always: want to sleep
I dance: in my room!
I cry: occasionly
I write: i cant read my handwriting
I confuse: myself
I can usually be found: at home, or work
I swear: that eventually ill be ok agian
-ARE YOU A-...
Wuss: sometimes
Druggie: no
Gang member: no
Daydreamer: yep
Freak: oh thats questionable...
Brat: idk i dont think so...
Sarcastic: yes!
Goody-goody: i used to be a lot more
Angel: sometimes
Devil: sometimes
Friend: yeah
Shy: hardly ever
Adventurous: not really
Intelligent: i can be when i try
Good listener: i reallu try hard
Your best feature [personality]: people skills
Most annoying thing you do: learn to let things go untl the morning or until the other person is ready
Biggest mistake you've made thus far: everyone knows
Describe your personality in one word: loud
A smell that makes you smile: vanilla, sweet pea, some boys colonge
A city you'd like to visit: dublin, nyc again
A drink you order most often: wild cherry coke when its not lent
The music you prefer while alone: billy joel
A TV show you watch regularly: desperate housewives
-If you were __ , what would you be?
[a flower] tulip
[a fruit] watermelon
[a vegetable] cucumber
[a color] pink
[a smell] vanilla
Short Answer
[are you left handed or right handed?] right-handed
[are you smart?] um sometimes i can be
[what's your middle name?] Colleen
[how many personalities do you have?] like 5
[how many piercings do you have?] just ears
[tattoos?] no
[do you like v-8?] yeah it's good
[what was your first word?] bob (that was my dogs name...)
[are you superstitious?] yes i knock on wood 5 times at least a day
[do you read your horoscope?] yea for fun
[do you believe in that stuff?] yes
[can you do a cartwheel?] ...no
[do you have bangs?] every1 used to but i dont anymore
[do you have contact lenses?] i want them
[do you snore?] no
[do you drool in your sleep?] sometimes lol
[do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?] who actually uses a sponge...i like the taste
[what languages do you know?] english and the remnants of my spanish education
[what's the best awards show?] i get bored easilyt w/ them
[do you like onions?] on chicken finger subs
[do you like cotton candy?] un huh:)
[do you like Pina coladas?] not really
[how many pillows do you have?] like 6 lol
[Do you like to dance?] yah i guess
[do you like to sing?] yah but i cant
[are you any good at it?] nope
[how many CDs do you have?] too many
[do you like to talk on the phone?] yes
[you like where you live? yes i do a lot
[is your room messy?] yes
[do you like your writing?] you wouldnt be able to read it
[do you like to finger-paint?] yah
[are you organized?] never
[what do you put on hotdogs and hamburgers?] relish, mustard
[do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] yeah
[do you sleep with socks on?] ew no
[are you ticklish?] everywhere...
[are you shy?] 99% of the time im not
[do you talk to yourself?] always
[is your house 1, 2, or 3 stories?] well...the 3rd floor is my poanrets room so 3??
[do you have a basement or an attic?] both
[are you a morning person?] no
[what's your favorite outfit?] i <3 capris and flip flops...
[do you believe in ghosts?] yah
[what do you do when you're nervous?] i cant sleep when im nervous
*Called You: maggie
*Slept In Your Bed: me
*Saw You Cry: renee
*Made You Cry:
*Punched You: daniel hit me yesterday...it wasnt a punch tho
*Hugged You: maggie
*who were u at the mall with last: renee and maggie
*Yelled at you: my dad
*Gave you flowers: my dad gaga
*Bought you clothes: my mom
*Been To New York?: City? once and i <3 it
*Been To Florida?: twice and going in April w/ my favies!!!!
*California?: nope
*Hawaii?: not yet
*China?: nope
*Canada?: of course
*Danced Naked: no
*Stalked Someone?: no
*Had A Mud Bath?: never
*Wished You Were The Opposite Sex?: no
*Had An Imaginary Friend?: no i never did
*Kissed someone with bad breath?: no
*Been scared ur breath was bad?: yea..i'm paranoid
*Had emotionless sex?: i don't like these questions
*Tried to seduce someone?: ...i dont know...
*glad to be done ?: yes :)