Thank you to
xmyrin for posting this, otherwise i wouldn't have found out until i saw it on tv or something...
Apparently Lauren Conrad from The Hills is dating someone I went to school with from 7th to 12th grade... Doug Reinhardt. Doug is the sister of Casey Reinhardt, who was on Laguna Beach a couple of years ago - I didn't know her well besides doing a camp with her at St. Margaret's, but when i saw her on Laguna Beach I still freaked out. Anyways, back to Doug - I had a crush on the kid from the moment i saw him in 7th grade...of course, i didn't stand two minutes with him because i was the biggest nerd on the planet. I had a theatre class with him in 8th grade and we had to do several scenes together which pretty much made my semester. once i actually got to hug him onstage and whatever cologne he was wearing was fantastic - which at the time was great, but now thinking back all i can think is "what 8th grade wears COLOGNE?" Then we went to SMCHS, except he was held back a year because his rich daddy wanted him to be the football star in his year. he said hi to me exactly once during summer PE and that was it. since then he's gotten hotter and more douche-baggish as the years have gone by. shocking? noooooot so much. take a look at what he looks like - he KNOWS he's hot. and now he's dating LC! ahhh yes, only in LA/OC., doug. I just think this is BEYOND entertaining. :)