Dec 23, 2008 11:42
My sweet kitten is so spacey.
He's on an opiate painkiller called Buprenorphine, and it makes him completely dopey. Not sleepy, just kind of stoned. He's been sitting around staring with dilated pupils. If you call his name he kind of swings his head around and looks at you vacantly. He also keeps wandering and lying down in weird places (such as next to his bed, not in it). He also rubs affectionately like he wants attention but then wanders off to sit somewhere and just stare. If you pet him he doesn't really respond, but he kind of squints up at you and then looks off lazily in another direction. I wish he'd go to sleep and get some rest.
I'm supposed to give him this stuff twice a day, but he's still doped up from last night so I'm not going to give him any more until tonight. He's not even on the same plane as everyone else.