Jan 01, 2006 12:22
What a year has passed! I fell in love, had a baby, fell in love again, and got engaged. I faced my fears and grew up. I accomplished many things and failed at a few others. I saw my dad at his best at the first of the year and saw him once again at the bottom by the end. I worked hard and felt invincible. I learned what life was really all about. Life really is incredible. If anyone had told me the road this year would take me down I would have told them they were lying. It was definetly not the path I had planned on,but I guess that is why life is so interesting because I would not change a thing about what happened this year. I look forward to whatever this year has in store for myself and my new family. I hope this year brings everyone only good tihngs and shows them the best time of their lives. Happy New Year everyone!